
Buying a New PC, Branded or Assembled?

Now, time have change, branded PC prices become very "cheap" or a sort of competitive compared with the assembly PC. With the same budget we can get better stuff in design or quality when purchasing a branded PC.

Logically, if we buy branded PC we can easily got standard power supply although its not a big watts, but enough to supply electricity. Compared to if we buy the assembly, could be even wasteful electricity because of greedy power supply electricity, or even worse if other components burn because the supply of power supply is not standard.

Assembly can be very bad, especially if the buyer is less knowledgeable enough about the hardware go to the store and see a shop that "rotten" which usually purchased a PC that has low quality, even though he had appendage high processor specifications given because the motherboard, PSU and memory given the "bad", ie given a memory with no lifetime warranty or even worse given the bad timing, or main board asus brand given the origin but the chipset is expired...

The performance of the PC or laptop depends on the performance of each component's performance, even though with high processor but if the main board is slow, then the result will remain slow PC. Worse, if they purchased all good but the power supply is bad for the long term there would be damage to hardware.

The example of branded PC are Acer, HP / Compact, Dell, Fujitsu, or NEC.

PC assembly does not mean worse than PC branded, but it's need depth knowledge of hardware before we buy it. Essentially, if you do not understand, just buy a branded, more easily through it.

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